Area of concentration: Human Health


Food and its implications for health

Study of the food-health relationship with emphasis on toxicology, microbiology and food safety

Jane Martha Graton Mikcha, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Clinical Analysis and Biomedicine (DAB/UEM) and permanent lecturer at PCS. She has experience in Food Microbiology, working mainly on: food safety, microbiological quality and control of food-borne pathogenic bacteria with an emphasis on Salmonella.


Miguel Machinski Junior, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Basic Health Sciences (DBS/UEM) and permanent PCS lecturer. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (Level 2). He has experience in Pharmacy and Food Science, with an emphasis on Toxicological Analysis and Food Toxicology, working mainly on: chemical residues in food, mycotoxins, poisoning, toxicological analysis, occupational toxicology, antifungal and antimycotoxigenic activity of essential oils, evaluation of the toxicity of natural products and chemical risk assessment.


Paula Aline Zanetti Campanerut-Sá, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Clinical Analysis and Biomedicine (DAB/UEM) and collaborating professor at PCS. She works in the following fields of research: Food Microbiology and proteomic analysis.


Intercurrences and coping with health problems

Epidemiology, indicators, coping strategies and effects on care and quality of life.


Fernanda Shizue Nishida Carignano, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Medicine (DMD-UEM) and collaborating professor at the PCS. She works in the following areas: epidemiology, health surveillance, health information systems, health evaluation and health promotion.


 João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci, PhD

Permanent professor at PCS. Assistant researcher at the Department of Surgery, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University. Leader of the Methods, Analytics and Technology for Health (MATH) consortium, the Global Emergency Medicine Innovation and Implementation research laboratory (GEMINI/Duke University), the Geoprocessing and Health Technologies Group (Grupo de Geoprocessamento e Tecnologias em Saúde-GETS/UEM) and the Psychology, Sport and Health group (Psicologia, Esporte e Saúde-PES/Unicesumar). He works in the following fields of research: Spatial Epidemiology and Geographic Artificial Intelligence (geoAI).


 Luciano de Andrade, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Medicine (DMD/UEM) and permanent professor at the PCS. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (Level 2). Leader of the Digital Technologies and Geoprocessing research group. He works in the following fields of research: Spatial Epidemiology and Geographic Artificial Intelligence (geoAI).


 Maria Dalva de Barros Carvalho, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Nursing (Departamento de Enfermagem-DEN/UEM), permanent professor at PCS. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (Level 2). Leader of NEPIS (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Saúde). She works in the following fields of research: Violence Due to External Causes, Women's Health (Neoplasms, Women's Care), Organ Donation, Complications and Health Problems.

Raissa Bocchi Pedroso, PhD

 Adjunct Professor at Centro Universitário Cidade Verde (UniCV) and collaborating professor at PCS. Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Women's Health (NuPISM). Research areas include: epidemiology of human diseases, neoplasms (colorectal and breast), women's health, epidemiology and antimicrobial activity in trypanosomatids, health complications, and disorders.

Sandra Marisa Pelloso, PhD

Permanent Professor at the Department of Nursing (DEN/UEM) and permanent lecturer at PCS. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (Level 1C). Experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Obstetric Nursing. She works in the following fields of research: Prenatal Care, Maternal Mortality, Neoplasms (Cervix And Breast), Family Planning, Violence, Complications and Health Problems.

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Chronic diseases

Epidemiology, genetic susceptibility and control of chronic diseases.


Roberto Kenji Nakamura Cuman, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Departamento de Farmacologia e Terapêutica-DFT/UEM) and permanent professor at PCS. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (Level 2). He works in the following fields of research: Pharmacology, with an emphasis on General Pharmacology. He works mainly on the following subjects: Inflammation/Inflammatory Response, Pharmacoepidemiology And Pharmacology Of Biologically Active Natural And Synthetic Products.


 Tania Cristina Alexandrino Becker, PhD

Associate professor at the Department of Basic Health Sciences (Departamento de Ciências Básicas da Saúde-DBS/UEM) and permanent professor at PCS. Her main areas of expertise are: General Pathology, with an emphasis on experimental histopathology, working mainly on the following topics: Carcinogenesis - Induction of Dysplasias (Aberrant Crypts) and Neoplasms in the Intestinal Colon through the Inoculation of Chemical Carcinogens and Evaluation Of Natural Antimutagenic/Antioxidant Products In Vivo, aimed at Chemoprevention of Colorectal Cancer.


Wendell Arthur Lopes, PhD

Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education (Departamento de Educação Física-DEF-UEM) and permanent professor in PEF and collaborating professor in PCS. He has experience in the area of Promotion, Prevention and Rehabilitation in Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), with an emphasis on Non-Pharmacological Strategies for Dealing with NCDs.