Who we are

    The The Graduate Program in Health Sciences (Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde - PCS), located at the State University of Maringá, was created in 2002, after approval by the Medicine II Area Committee (Comitê da Área de Medicina II - CAPES). Our program was created to meet the need for training different health professionals, working in two main areas of concentration: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Human Health.

    Since its creation, we have been working to qualify health professionals to carry out teaching and research activities with quality and efficiency at local, regional, national and international levels. PCS students belong to different areas, which allows for rich interaction and interdisciplinarity in the discussions and work developed. Several students are linked to higher education institutions, both public and private, public epidemiological, sanitary and public health surveillance bodies, fulfilling a relevant role in training excellence and advancing scientific knowledge in the field of infectious and parasitic diseases and human health.

    Currently, our program has more than 20 PhD professors and has trained more than 429 masters and 111 PhDs, professionals from several public and private institutions. With a score of 5 in the latest CAPES evaluation, PCS receives financial resources (scholarships and project funding) from CAPES, CNPq, Araucária Foundation and other national and international bodies.

Translated by: Felipe Piva

Proofread by: Felipe Lisbôa

Disigner by: Gabrielly Amaral